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Immigration to Uruguay without visa

Many of you think of migrating for a better future, but your thinking is always limited to countries that are well known: Scandinavian countries, the United States of America, Canada or other European Union countries. Is impossible for him, if the solution to achieve this solution? Do you give in to these obstacles? Would not you dare swim in the presence of these high waves would you get out of this sea and decide not to swim it? What do you think if I told you that you are not a place to swim and go to where the waves are low and easy to swim in, what do you think if I told you that there is a country easy to migrate to and the mechanism of submission to anyone possible, and study at a distinct and affordable and accessible internationally recognized and easy That you have the right to reside and that your passport allows you to travel to 135 countries, including the European Union, and that many of the citizens of the developed countries are starting to live in it, as it provided them with the rich and developed countries, Uruguay I will not explain much About this country because Google's uncle and Wikiped aunt You may be able to pay yourself or hire a lawyer who is an expert in the field and saves you time and facilitates administrative procedures. This is a list of lawyers for whom you want to go. 

The most famous of them is the one who helps to obtain permanent residence
Fischer & Schickendantz
Rincón 487, 4th floor / Montevideo, Uruguay 11100
Tel: +598 2915 7468
Fax: +598 2916 1352
Email: info@fs.com.uy
Website: www.fs.com.uy
Fields of Specialization: Corporate / Mergers & Acquisitions / Banking, Real Estate, Commercial / Contracts, Agribusiness & Farmland Investment, Mining, Company Incorporations / Offshore Corporations, Tax & Accounting, Litigation & Arbitration, Labor & Employment, Administrative & Public Law, Residency & Immigration.

You are now thinking of Uruguay and charging you with the decision will tell you the question: What documents do they require? Relax my brother and do not tire of thinking are 5 documents:

Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

1 - Certificate of Birth 2 - Good biography and Sock 3 - Marriage contract if you are married 4 - Possible medical disclosure in your country and possible work in Uruguay (what we said to you there are no complications than you used to) 5 - A paper proving that you have the ability to take care of your expenses Living in the first months before you find work, because it is not reasonable to facilitate your arrival to their country in order to rely on their social security to take care of you, this is the hardest because the minimum required is $ 1500 per month, it is possible to inflate the amount and make an unreal document to convince them that the liar You have this minimum, but there is a problem that you are required to open a bank account in the euro Wai from which they compare your material according to receive monthly, means if you have the ability to receive the amount of $ 1,500 per month, even for a period of 6 months until the first find a job you no problem in safety

After all these papers have been processed, send them to this official link of the Uruguayan Immigration Service: mrree.gub.uy

Or send it to the lawyer who will cost you the file is the best and most secure, and rest assured you collected the required documents will accept your application because a large proportion are accepted and will send you the invitation, if you are from countries that do not impose the Uruguay visa will enter directly and if you do not otherwise send you a visa, You will receive a temporary residence pending permanent residence, and you can work in temporary accommodation,

If you want to get the Uruguayan passport faster, you need to invest $ 100,000 not to be recovered until 10 years. For example, you can buy a house and rent it at the same time, or work for a project that lasts for that period,

 Most of you will say to Ondi $ 100,000. I will not emigrate. You have the right but you have this money and you want a passport that makes it easy for you to travel freely without the need for a visa in every travel. He wants to ensure his stability, fearing that this money will be invested in a country not at that high level of preservation. You will be able to pay your file for citizenship after 5 years if you are single and after 3 years. Years if you are married, is not necessarily Uruguayan but a Why do the state encourage this because the country has a small population and the growth of the economy of any country depends on the growth of its population, they need for generations to come, their growth is weak and the pyramid of the population is losing its balance because it is more grown than its young, and the continuation of any country that completes the pace of growth and youth and young are fuel The locomotive of growth and progress

As for the study, it is not expensive compared to European countries where the fee for one semester ranges from 2000 to 3000 dollars less by 40%, while for living the average of the need for food, drink, housing and transportation is 700 dollars per month, the submission is between 9 and 12 months universities They are Montevideo and Republica These two universities attract a lot of students and academic level, and this is a list of the rest of the universities university . Submit uruguay.usembassy

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