Blue passport in Germany,Way to get it
If your asylum application is accepted, you can enjoy the right to stay in Germany. You will then receive a residence permit for three years. After this period, you will receive an indefinite residence permit, as long as the reasons for your need for protection have not yet fallen. These rights will only be waived if conditions in your country of origin have improved substantially and repatriation has been possible. In other words, if there is evidence that you are still insecure in your home, you will be allowed to stay in Germany.
With your unrestricted residence permit, you can decide where you want to live in Germany.
If I would not get asylum - would you allow me to stay though?
If you receive additional protection, you will first get a one-year residence permit. This residence permit is being extended as long as the BAMF has not formally denied the legal status of your protection. After a five-year stay, you can obtain a permanent residence permit (unlimited time limit). The condition of getting that is
Livelihood insurance
You know enough German
And have worked for at least five years.
Even if you do not have the right to protection, you can apply for a permanent residence permit (unlimited time limit). The requirement is that you have spent eight years in Germany. You can find more information at the consulting centers.
To obtain a permanent residence permit you need a passport. If you have legal asylum status, you will obtain a refugee's passport from the German authorities, or the so-called "Blue Passport".
If you have the right to additional protection or years of residence permit, you should now obtain a passport from your country at the latest. If you are unable to do so (for example, because your passport was taken when you travel), you can apply to the Foreign Affairs Authority for a "Foreigner's Travel Card".
Refugees are not allowed voluntarily to apply to their country's authorities for an original passport, otherwise their refugee status will fall!
What is a blue passport?
As a refugee and a recognized refugee, you will obtain a passport for refugees, the so-called Blue Passport. This is a substitute for your traditional passport that you no longer need to ask in your home country.
If you do apply for a passport at the embassy or consulate, you will be denied asylum.
Travel with a blue passport
With your unrestricted residence permit, you can decide where you want to live in Germany.
If I would not get asylum - would you allow me to stay though?
If you receive additional protection, you will first get a one-year residence permit. This residence permit is being extended as long as the BAMF has not formally denied the legal status of your protection. After a five-year stay, you can obtain a permanent residence permit (unlimited time limit). The condition of getting that is
Livelihood insurance
You know enough German
And have worked for at least five years.
Even if you do not have the right to protection, you can apply for a permanent residence permit (unlimited time limit). The requirement is that you have spent eight years in Germany. You can find more information at the consulting centers.
To obtain a permanent residence permit you need a passport. If you have legal asylum status, you will obtain a refugee's passport from the German authorities, or the so-called "Blue Passport".
If you have the right to additional protection or years of residence permit, you should now obtain a passport from your country at the latest. If you are unable to do so (for example, because your passport was taken when you travel), you can apply to the Foreign Affairs Authority for a "Foreigner's Travel Card".
Refugees are not allowed voluntarily to apply to their country's authorities for an original passport, otherwise their refugee status will fall!
What is a blue passport?
As a refugee and a recognized refugee, you will obtain a passport for refugees, the so-called Blue Passport. This is a substitute for your traditional passport that you no longer need to ask in your home country.
If you do apply for a passport at the embassy or consulate, you will be denied asylum.
Travel with a blue passport
Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs
Refugees can travel to other countries through the Blue Passport. No visa is required to enter many European countriesProvided that your stay does not exceed three months
Provided they do not do any work abroad.
Otherwise, you will need a visa.
Refugees can enter the following countries with a blue passport without a visa:
Czech Republic
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