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Immigration Requirements For Applicants

Health Care Professional Category
Minimum Requirements for Applicants
To be eligible under the Health Care Professional Category, in addition to meeting the general requirements, applicants must:

Be a professional in one of the following fields:
Registered nurse;
Registered psychiatric nurse;
Nurse practitioner;
Midwife; or
Allied health professional such as a:
Diagnostic medical sonographer;
Clinical pharmacist;
Medical laboratory technologist;
Medical radiation technologist;
Occupational therapist; or
Have at least two years full-time (or full-time equivalent) work experience in the skilled occupation offered to them, and the credentials and qualification requirements of the position, if applicable;
Be in an occupation classified as NOC level 0, A, or B;
For occupations classified as NOC level B, applicants must demonstrate sufficient language proficiency in English or French by submitting language test results showing a minimum score of benchmark 4 under the Canadian Language Benchmark 2000 (CLB) in all competencies.
For occupations classified as NOC level 0 or A, no language test results are necessary - the BC PNP, however, may require valid language test results at its discretion.
Have received an offer of indeterminate, full-time employment from an eligible B.C. public health authority;
Demonstrate the ability to meet minimum income requirements and pay for housing and living expenses in British Columbia by showing:
Annual wage in the province;
Location of residence in the province;
Number of dependents.
Midwives must:

Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

Have a letter of confirmation from an established practice group in the province confirming acceptance into the group for at least six months, written on official group letterhead and signed by the head of the practice group and the applicant; and
Be registered, or eligible to be registered, with the College of Midwives of British Columbia.
Minimum Requirements for Employers
The employer offering the job must meet the following requirements:

The business must be established in British Columbia, and have been operating for at least one year;
The business must already have permanent, full-time employees;
If the business is located in the Greater Vancouver Regional District, the business must have at least five permanent, full-time employees (or full-time equivalent) in B.C.;
If the business is located outside the Greater Vancouver Regional District, the business must have at least three permanent, full-time employees (or full-time equivalent) in B.C.;
The business must show a history of good business practices;
The employer must offer the candidate a wage that meets industry standards;
The employer must meet domestic labour market recruitment requirements;
The employer must sign an employer declaration stating that all of these requirements are met; 
A written offer of employment must be extended to the applicant on official company letterhead and must meet all of the following requirements:
The offer must be signed and dated by both the employer and applicant.
The offer must include:
A description of job duties;
The rate of pay;
The working hours for the position (minimum of 30 hours per week);
A statement that position is permanent and full time;
A list of additional benefits; and
A mention of any applicable collective bargaining agreements, if relevant.
The employer may not make deductions from pay for recruitment, immigration fees, etc.
The wage offered must be at market rate and comparable to the average salary for that occupation in British Columbia.
Individuals originally hired on a Labour Market Opinion must receive an equal or greater wage than that stated on the Labour Market Opinion.

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