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Study visa in America F1

Student visas are the interest of most students who are considering completing their studies in the United States. Usually the student visa for international students to enter the United States is an F1 visa, and in this article we review together information about this category of visas and other visa categories, and student visas are usually issued by United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).

The process of obtaining a US visa for study or work may be somewhat frustrating, but in this article we tried to talk about all the important issues of visa issuance and immigration to America.

There are general requirements for obtaining a visa to the United States of America, in addition to specific requirements for each category of immigration visa to America. In general to obtain an immigration visa to America for students you must have the following conditions.

To be healthy - There are no vaccinations you should get to enter the United States unless you are in a country where cholera epidemics or yellow fever are spread. In this case, you should have tests and if you are sure that you have been infected with any of these diseases, Enter America.

Be committed to the law - any criminal behavior is sufficient to deport you from America.
Be able to financially support yourself during your stay.
You have the intention to leave the United States after your studies.
Now let's learn about the three main categories of immigration to America for students, how you can apply for an immigration visa to America and which types you need.
Visa category F1.

The F1 visa is the most common immigration to America, issued to students coming to the United States. In general, this category of immigration visas is issued to students who are coming to study an academic program or coming to learn English as a second language.

The J1 visa is issued to students who require a specific practical training as part of an academic study program. However, in addition to these types of immigration visas to America, there is a large migration program to the United States called the Immigration and Work Program under the category J1. Class A student can come to the United States for three or four months to get a job.

Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

The M1 visa is issued to students traveling to the United States to attend a non-academic or vocational study program.
Lottery, Green Card Lottery,
The visa is a lottery for immigration to America, also known as the Random Lottery Scheme.
Now to learn more about each category of immigration visa to America for students.

The F1 visa is issued to international students who will study an academic study program or an English language program at an American university or college. Students with F1 visas in the United States must have the necessary requirements to study the program in the United States. These students can stay in the United States for 60 days before the start of the course they will study. In addition, students with a F1 visa can stay in the United States for 12 days. One month after obtaining a degree to work within the framework of the OPT program is an optional professional training (Optional Practical Training).

Students with this type of immigration visa are expected to complete their studies on the I-20 (the US Non-Immigrant Student Status Certificate) granted by the college or university in which the student is studying.
In order for the student to be accepted for this F1 visa, the student must complete the following requirements:
♦The student must have a place to stay, and he must have the intention to return home immediately after completing his studies.
♦The student should study only in the academic institution for which the visa was issued.
To have sufficient financial support.
♦Have strong ties to his homeland (for example, linked to a job in his or her country once he has completed his studies, property, bank accounts or family). This visa may be converted into a temporary work visa after completion of the study. Children and spouses receive F2 visas but are not allowed to work in America. In general, immigration laws in America are very strict on work during study, but for the F1 visa holder, the most common visa for full-time international students, allows students to work for a period of time or work on campus (less than 20 hours a week) ); Usually the jobs available on the campus do not pay much, which certainly is not enough to finance the student's physical needs, on this basis should not rely on this type of work to save your expenses and your study needs.

A student with a US visa of F1 is allowed to stay for one year of vocational training after completing the course, and is granted permission to stay in the United States for up to 12 months from the date of graduation or completion of the course. In order for the student to obtain permission to stay in America after completion of the study, he should start talking to the Student Affairs Department at the university or college where he is studying to obtain the required papers. The university officials will also introduce the student to the various types of vocational training available and suitable for the student.

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