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Best way for immigrate to America and obtain visa

May be one of the millions of people who pin their hopes on a Visa visa from the "country of dreams", where the United States remains one of the most preferred places for immigrants around the world, according to a Gallup poll conducted in April 2012, which showed that 150 million Someone who wants to immigrate to America.

According to the US Department of Homeland Security, more than 1 million people received US citizenship in 2008. Despite being a dream country for immigrants around the world, many believe that traditional immigration procedures to the United States are complex and long, especially after the changes that occurred after the events of 11 September, taken by some conservative groups as a pretext to stop the reception of immigrants.

But there is a way to migrate in a quick way that can only take a few months, through the "random migration program" or the so-called green card lottery, which requires no more than an electronic application and much luck.

What is Green Card Lottery?

This visa was approved under the Immigration Act of 1990 under No. 4978 Stat 104, which raised the number of immigrants allowed into the United States from half a million to 700,000 immigrants annually.

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Under the new law, a new type of visa, the Diversity Visa, was introduced. A total of 50,000 visas have been allocated for diversity through an annual lottery of citizens from countries with fewer immigrants to the United States.

The draw began officially at the beginning of the fiscal year 1995, and the winners of Green Card, which is a card that allows holders of permanent residence within the United States, can travel freely to and from the United States.

Green Card winners can also benefit from health, education, taxation, retirement, social security, and other US assistance, as well as apply for US citizenship without losing their original nationality.

They are also allowed to bring their spouses and unmarried children (under the age of 21). Millions of people around the world participate each year in this lottery, which requires no more than an electronic application. According to the State Department, 19,672,268 people took part in the draw in 2011.

One of the conditions for participation in the Lottery is that a person must be one of the countries allowed to participate during the year of submission and must be at least 18 years of age, have at least a secondary school certificate and have at least two years of practical experience.

Participation is done by filling out an online application.

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