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Immigration to British Columbia - Canada

The British Columbia Migration Program is one of the county's economic migration programs. Immigrants are selected on the basis of regional priorities. The program provides immigration to foreign workers and business people who intend to live permanently in British Columbia and have the ability to contribute significantly to the economy of the province.

The first step to apply for this program is to apply for a boycott and then get a letter of nomination to apply to the federal government in Canada for a permanent residence visa. Candidates can also apply for a permanent residence visa for their spouses and families.

British Columbia receives regional migration from three sources:

Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

Immigration to skilled labor with a job offer in British Columbia
To be eligible for this program, you must receive a job offer from an institution or employer in BC and the offer must be full-time and unlimited in duration. In addition, applicants must have one of the following requirements:

1 - To work as skilled or semi-skilled workers in the field of tourism / hospitality, food processing - and long-distance trucking.

2- His specialization shall fall into one of the following categories:

3. Skilled workers (managers, professionals, technicians) or health care workers (doctors, registered nurses and other health care workers).

If he does not specialize in the previous majors he must have a Canadian certificate such as:

Bachelor or Diploma from a Canadian college or university in any discipline, master's or doctorate degree in natural sciences or health sciences from a university in British Columbia (for this category only, no job offer is required).

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