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Apply for asylum in New Zealand

In New Zealand, humanitarian asylum is not difficult to obtain and you can obtain it if you have the legal and objective conditions in place to obtain refugee status in New Zealand and obtain documents to ensure you stay and live there.

How to apply for asylum to New Zealand:

After arriving in New Zealand, an asylum application can be made in New Zealand at a New Zealand airport or at a New Zealand seaport. A person can tell any police officer where he or she wishes to apply for asylum in New Zealand.

New Zealand asylum form:

The application for asylum in New Zealand is not limited to the reasons for asylum only, but you must fill out the application form in New Zealand INZ 1071, an identification form for the asylum seeker. The form also confirms the person's claim for asylum and protection in New Zealand. The INZ 1071 form can be downloaded below.

Note: The form is for individual members of the family, so everyone in the family must fill in a form

Asylum documents in New Zealand:

After filling out the asylum application in New Zealand, the person must attach certified and translated copies of the personal documents he or she holds, such as a passport, university degree, and any documents supporting the case of the person in the asylum file, such as documents proving that the person is incarcerated as a result of political opinions, .

Submission of asylum documents in New Zealand:

Documents must be delivered personally to the New Zealand Department of Refugee Affairs or sent by mail to the same branch. Documents may be submitted in the following ways:

Submit documents in person by:

Level 12, 280 Queen Street, Auckland CBD

Or send documents by mail to:

Refugee Status Branch PO Box 90533, Victoria Street Auckland 1142, DX: CX10074

Preparing for an asylum interview in New Zealand:

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Before arriving to meet in New Zealand, an asylum seeker must go to an authorized translation office, and then fill out a paper explaining the reasons for leaving his country in detail. The form must include certified and translated copies of the asylum seeker's personal documents, Translation The translation office is stamped, and the information is written on the translation office paper, after which the paper must be delivered in the branch of the New Zealand asylum service.

New Zealand asylum interview:

After handing over the paper explaining the situation of the person, along with a certified copy of his / her documents, the asylum seeker is scheduled for an interview, and the interview is the interview that greatly determines the person's fate.

After the person arrives at the interview, the person's fingerprints are taken, and then a photograph of the applicant is taken. The person then goes to the interview. In the interview, the person is asked about the reasons for leaving his country and coming to New Zealand. The reasons for the person, the same reasons he mentioned in the asylum form in New Zealand, and the same reasons presented in the translated paper.

Acceptance of asylum in New Zealand:

If a person's asylum is accepted in New Zealand, he or she can then apply for permanent residence in New Zealand and then stay in New Zealand permanently until acquiring New Zealand citizenship.

Rejection of asylum in New Zealand:

If the reasons given by the person are not sufficient to grant him asylum and stay in New Zealand, the person's asylum is denied. The asylum seeker is informed of the refusal decision, and after the rejection decision is received, the applicant may appeal the rejection decision before the Immigration and Protection Court of New Zealand.

If a person's appeal against the decision to refuse asylum is accepted in New Zealand, he or she can stay and obtain permanent residence in New Zealand. If the person's appeal is rejected, the person will have to leave New Zealand.

Important Tips on New Zealand:
1 - If you are considering applying for asylum in New Zealand, it is best to provide any documents you have to prove your case, in addition to any personal documents, such as university certificates, driver's license, etc. All documents must be translated into English by an accredited translator.

2. Submission of forged documents means the termination of the asylum order in New Zealand.

3 - Hide personal documents After arriving in New Zealand, you will inevitably be subjected to detention until you prove who you are.

4. The reasons given by the person whether in the asylum application, in the translated paper, or in the asylum interview, must be the same, because the different reasons mean the weakness of the story of asylum.

5. If you have other reasons not included in the previously submitted documents, you must inform the immigration inspector that you have other things you would like to add.

6. The reasons for leaving your country and coming to New Zealand should not be overstated.

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