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Ways you don't know about immigration to Iceland

One of the most important questions that has been on our Facebook page or our site is about living and moving to Iceland's Wonderland where the charming nature, hot water springs and others make Iceland a country worth living in. It is no wonder that many travelers from around the world come to relax and enjoy a quiet life Away from the noise of the rest of the countries.

In this topic, which is exclusive on the worldswin site, we will highlight all aspects of migration and living in this country. We will divide those wishing to immigrate to Iceland into two parts. The first section is the citizens of the European Union and the second section is the immigrants from outside.

For people from within the European Union, if you are one of them, consider yourself very lucky because the immigration process will be very easy. In fact, there is no immigration you should do if you have a European passport and do not need any residence card to settle in this beautiful spot. In Europe, all you have to do is register, nothing else, that's all.

After access you can register via progress to one of banks to get the so-called "kennitala"

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It is simply Icelandic social security number or so-called social security. So some, this number is very important to him. You will be able to rent an apartment and get a job to other important things. If you get a contract before you arrive, your employer will get it for you.

As part of this migration process you will have to demonstrate that you are able to rely on yourself on Icelandic soil, how much money you must earn in ISK 163,635
Per month, per person, and the couple is ISK 245,453. For additional and more detailed information you can visit the Immigration Department website.

For people from countries outside the European Union, there are only three ways to obtain a residence:
1. Marriage to an Icelandic person: Once you have a marriage contract from an Icelandic person, you can obtain permanent residence immediately and obtain citizenship after a period of residence in Iceland.

2. Obtaining a university admission: If you have received an admission from an Icelandic university or college, this gives you residence and the right to work, albeit for a limited number of hours. However, you are obliged to prove that you have available financial resources to cover the expenses of studying and living in that country.

3 - Obtaining a contract of work: However, this is very difficult because the labor market requires high efficiency and university degrees in specific scientific disciplines such as programming and others. iceland gov

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