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Submit asylum to South Korea

South Korea has become a refuge for many refugees from around the world. The application for asylum in Korea is subject to a law enacted in 2009 to enter into force in 2013.

Since then, the number of asylum seekers has increased, especially from some arabs country refugees and others. South Korea is a signatory to the international treaties on foreign refugees and thus guarantees the rights of individuals who are victims of war or of persons suffering from persecution, persecution or threats in their countries of origin .

How can you apply for asylum in South Korea?

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South Korea is one of the first Asian countries to ratify the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. Thus, Korea grants the refugee the right to benefit from social security, education, the right to a decent life and work after obtaining a work permit.

The application for asylum can be submitted to South Korea at the border point from which you enter the country, at the immigration office which receives your Korean law application for study. You can also apply for asylum in Korea with the UNHCR in your country of residence.

Priority requests for refugees from countries that define war or political instability such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and others are given priority, provided that they are already at risk and that their lives are threatened if deported to their countries of origin.

If your asylum application is approved, you can obtain a work permit in South Korea. In case your application is denied, you can appeal to the Korean courts to challenge the decision and ask for its rectification.
Submit asylum

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