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Apply for asylum in Italy and for international protection

If you have chosen to stay in the place or region you are currently living in, always remember to check your location or center of residence on the maps available in this guide and / or ask for information. If you need any help contact your nearest association.

Want to go to another Italian city?

We recommend that you look carefully at the map of Italy and find associations that can help you (if you wish) they can contact you with your compatriots in the city or region you wish to go to.

Always remember that you can apply for asylum in another Italian city unless you take a picture of yourself or have not yet completed Form C3 where you are or where you were admitted.

IMPORTANT: In Italy (especially those who want to travel from the south to the north) it is easy to be the victim of smugglers and / or their assistants who ask for very high sums in exchange for organizing a bus, train, taxi or car trip. When you arrive at the bus or train station, carefully check the ticket price first of all.

How to Apply for International Protection:

The applicant for political asylum or international protection is a person who has applied for political asylum (or international protection) and is awaiting a decision to grant (or not to grant) refugee status or any other type of international protection.

Any person may apply for international protection (political asylum) if he or she is present (in advance or at present) in their country of origin of violence, persecution, threats or any violation of their fundamental rights on grounds of:

Ethnic (racial discrimination because of skin color, ethnic affiliation, tribe, community or minority).

Religion (belonging or not belonging to a particular religion or religious group)

Nationality (belonging to a particular ethnic or linguistic minority).

Belonging to a social group (a group of people sharing certain characteristics, but not limited to: individuals who are identified as a group within a community based on their sex, sexual orientation, family, culture, education, or work)

Political belief: Exposure to persecution due to political belief, political activity or political orientation due to conscientious objection or, in other words, refusal to serve on grounds of freedom of thought, conscience or religion.

- If the country of origin from which the asylum seeker came from is engaged in an international or civil war.

- An individual has the right to apply for political asylum when he faces the risk of conviction, murder, torture or humiliating and inhuman treatment that violates his fundamental rights, freedom and dignity upon his return to his country of origin.

How, where and when can you apply for international protection?

Anyone can apply for international protection or political asylum at any time, through verbal or written permission to seek asylum. You can do this verbally or in writing in your native language or in another language you know.

Disclaimer: When applying for international protection you should explain why you are at risk in your country. At first, you do not have to provide all the details, but the main reasons that prevent you from returning to your country only.

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You will not be allowed to leave Italy at all from the moment you receive your residence permit as an asylum seeker until you receive the decision of the Regional Committee. No one can stop you from applying for international protection because it is a right for everyone. There is no final or final deadline for submitting your application and your application can not be denied on the grounds that you did not apply immediately upon arrival in Italy.

The procedure for obtaining international protection is done by one person independently, except if you are a father or mother and your minor children are in Italy, then the parents' requests include their minor children as well. Applications should be submitted to the border police (polizia di frontiera) upon arrival in Italy by crossing the land or sea border or to the nearest immigration office (Ufficio Immigrazione di Polizia) if you are in Italy and the application has not been made at the border.

Disclaimer: Remember well that poverty or the desire to seek work in Italy are not justifiable reasons for international protection.

What are the procedures for obtaining international protection?

According to Italian law, if you enter Italy without a regular visa, you must be identified before applying for asylum.
On arrival, an officer is usually in charge of taking a photo of you (fotosegnalamento) and taking your fingerprints (rilievi dattiloscopici).

When you apply for international protection, you will receive a document stating the date of the interview, during which your application for international protection will be formalized and completed by filling out a form called Form C3. (The asylum application form provided for under the Geneva Convention).

Remember that the law requires you to formally apply for asylum within a week from your first visit to the Questura office, but in practice it may take three to four months to formalize your asylum application.

You will be asked to provide some personal information: (name, date, place of birth, nationality, other details about your family), your documents, your story, and your trip to Italy with your date of departure. You can attach a sheet to Form C3, explaining your story and remembering all the documents you have
Remember that the law requires you to formally apply for asylum within a week from your first visit to the Questura office, but in practice it may take three to four months to formalize your asylum application.

You will be asked to provide some personal information: (name, date, place of birth, nationality and other details about your family), your documents, your story, and your journey until you arrive atItaly with your departure date. You can attach a sheet of Form C3 to explain your story and remember all the documents in your possession such as passport, ID card etc. The police will keep the original copy of the form and keep a copy with you. At the end of this procedure, the police issue a document (attestato nominativo) stating that you are waiting to be recognized as a refugee, usually within 30 days. Once you have completed the procedure (Form C3) you will receive a valid residence permit for six months as an asylum seeker. This statement gives you the right to get a job two months after the date of issue. When completing Form C3: - Explain clearly and briefly the reasons for applying for asylum. Indicate, for example, the reasons for leaving your country, what the situation is in your country and what risks you will face if you return to your country. Explain these reasons in more detail when telling your story to the regional committee that will review your application for asylum. - When you arrive in Italy, contact your acquaintances and relatives in Italy or Europe, and provide them with your personal information and telephone number. If the committee decides to deport you or if you have another problem, they can help you seek asylum and ensure that you have your rights. The waiting period for the hearing is not clearly defined, usually six to twelve months, If you can not read or write, you should inform the officials or the police. - Once you have indicated your desire to apply for asylum, you must provide the police with a mailing address where you will receive your request. All correspondence relating to your application for protection d Mechanism. You should always notify the police if there is any change to this address. - Always keep copies of all documents you provide to the police, the governor's office and the committee and keep all documents and notifications you receive from these authorities. You have the right to remain in Italian territory until the regional committee has completed your application. (If your application for political asylum is rejected until the Commission makes a final decision regarding the appeal against its first decision to deny your asylum request). You have the right to stay in a reception center, get food and all the necessary facilities until the hearing. The committee that will examine your application and until the final decision is also made if you appeal against the refusal decision if the committee rejects your application after the first hearing. You are entitled to speak with a cultural mediator or interpreter and speak with him in your native language about your situation. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, non-governmental organizations and other organizations working in the protection of asylum-seekers and migrants in general. You are entitled to a tax number that entitles you to benefit from the public health system (access to a GP and access to all medical tests and examinations). Two months after the issuance of the residence permit I am still waiting for the hearing. Disclaimer: You are not entitled to leave Italian territory while you are waiting for the Commission's decision regarding your application for international protection.

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