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Asylum To France and the necessary papers to apply

The use of asylum in France or the so-called humanitarian asylum in France, how to apply and the conditions for applying is the subject of this article, and we will also talk about the salaries of refugees in France, the assistance received by the refugee and many other things.

How to apply for asylum in France:

Anyone who wants to apply for asylum in France should arrive at an airport or French port or through a French arrival station to inform a port or airport officer or inform the security authorities of the places you are contacting and tell them that you want to apply for humanitarian asylum in France.

Papers required to apply for asylum in France:

1. A person shall submit a document proving that he has entered French territory legally since the person left his or her home country.
2. Information on the person's situation.

Tip: A person should be aware of all the information that comes out of his mouth because he may be asking for the same information again to find out if he is lying or not.

3 - Four personal pictures.

4. The address through which the French Refugee Protection Office can communicate with you through it.

Obtaining a temporary residence for those applying for humanitarian asylum in France:

Each of those who pass through these steps is given a temporary residence permit written in it: still under consideration by the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA) valid for one month only, and then the French Refugee Protection Office sends a refugee application called refugee status application, The request is again submitted to the French Refugee Protection Office, after which the refugee is granted the so-called "delivery" to the filing of a refugee status application, which is valid until the response of the decision of the French Office for the Protection of Refugees.

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The refugee's salary and the assistance he receives prior to the approval of the request for asylum to France and beyond:

Here we will give an example of a whole family who applied for humanitarian asylum in France. As soon as the family surrenders itself to the police department, you get the temporary residence card and personal identification until the French government begins to pay a financial compensation of one hundred euros per month. For children at this stage no amount. Such compensation is entitled
For the entire family of adults, a good amount in the provision of food and drink and transportation, recalling that the asylum seeker still live for free, with a common kitchens in these hotels, allowing the family to prepare food.

The second stage is an interview with the asylum court, which conducts an investigation of all family members applying for asylum, and determines their entitlement to asylum, and thus permanent residency for ten years, or is entitled to temporary protection, ie, one year residence. The country.

The decision of the court shall be reached within a maximum period of one month and a minimum of one week. After this decision, the procedures for obtaining a free card and full 100% health insurance, including dental diseases, which are not covered by health insurance in any other country, will begin. , Within the city where the refugee resides, and becomes entitled to

Social housing that suits the number of family members, which is permanent housing, no one can get you out of it unless you want it.

The first financial assistance that members of the family receive is paid off, and the salary of any French unemployed is deducted from them, and the mother, father and individuals are under the age of 20 years. The adults over the age of 20 are another matter I will talk about shortly.

This salary is for the father 400 euros per month and for the mother like her monthly, and the child 100 euros a month, so the income of the family consisting of a father and mother and two children, for example, about 950 euros, which is good as long as housing is free until this moment.

The members of the family above the age of twenty, who are the most important category in French society, considering it the age of production, the person of this age is either a student or a worker, so is excluded from the salary of the family and give the state financial assistance estimated at 450 euros per month, throughout the academic world, All schools and universities in all French territory are free of charge. The university fee does not exceed 400 Euros per year. This is an insurance amount. A person over the age of 20 who does not study will be entitled to qualifying courses for the work he can do with his paid days. Month if not absent.

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