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Steps that qualify you to become a Canadian citizen

Many of those wishing to emigrate have begun to think seriously about Canada as a new destination for travel.

Canada has received more than 60,000 refugees over the past year and has facilitated immigration applications from applicants around the world.

Here are the steps that can qualify you to become a Canadian citizen:
You must be at least 18 years of age. Otherwise, things will be a bit complicated. One of your parents will have to fill in the application form for you personally and they will have to be already applying for citizenship at the same time.

Practical Skills:
Canada has a route for applicants called the "highway", where immigrants are given certificates and special work skills, and each immigrant is given a mark that will determine his status among the list of applicants. Immigrants with the highest mark will be brought in and given "permanent residence", which is the first step to becoming a Canadian.
The skills and certifications required vary over time, and need to be reviewed regularly.

Permanent residence:
To obtain a permanent residence card you will have several options to apply for. Either you apply through the county you live in, or apply as an entrepreneur who will invest your money in the country or apply through a member of your family living in Canada.


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If you are called to be a permanent resident, you must prove your intention or desire to live in Canada. You must spend two out of five years within the Canadian border if you want to maintain your status as a "permanent resident".

4 years:
After settling in Canada, you must fulfill a number of conditions in order to apply for citizenship. The "permanent resident" does not always become a Canadian citizen. Citizenship requirements are more stringent and complex.

In short, you must spend 4 years within the Canadian border within the six years prior to applying to become eligible for Canadian citizenship.

Income Taxes:
A Canadian citizen must submit income tax documents for the four years he has spent in Canada.

One of two languages:
Before you acquire Canadian citizenship, you must master one of the two official languages ​​in the country, French or English. Applicants will be tested in one of the two languages ​​before considering the citizenship form.

About Canada:
Adults 16 to 64 will have to take another test to test your knowledge of Canada's culture and history. A pre-exam handbook will be provided and your application will not be accepted if you do not pass the test.

Additional Terms:
Be aware that your legal history and registration with the police may affect your citizenship, especially if it is bad. You have to learn that the Canadian climate is very cold, but it varies in different degrees and is not similar in all regions, especially that Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of space after Russia.
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