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Requirements for asylum in Switzerland

Requirements for asylum in Switzerland
After arrival in Switzerland, if the refugee has arrived at the airport, he or she must apply for asylum on arrival at a Swiss airport. If a person does not wish to apply at the airport, he can also apply for asylum in Switzerland through a Swiss police station after entering the airport. The land of Switzerland and stay there for several days and then go to one of the police stations in the city or to one of the asylum centers in Switzerland, and then inform them that he wants to apply for asylum to Switzerland, and then will follow the procedures we will talk about in the next lines.

Asylum centers in Switzerland
Asylum centers or refugee camps on Swiss soil may be found by many people. Of course, there is fairly good treatment in asylum centers, but not up to Switzerland. The best asylum center in Switzerland is Basel, but the treatment as a whole complained a lot. From our point of view, the treatment of refugees in Switzerland is not good, especially as Switzerland deliberately reduces aid to the refugees so that the refugees will move away from Switzerland and not think about going there from the beginning

The Camp stage in Switzerland
The reception center in which the refugee has applied for asylum is interviewing the refugee and studying the reasons given by the refugee who made him apply for asylum in Switzerland. The refugee is not answered or accepted at the reception center but is transferred to another camp, To discuss some questions and things relating to the refugee and this interview known as the court comes out after this interview decision whether to accept or reject the application for asylum person.

Reasons for refusing asylum in Switzerland
Asylum in Switzerland is refused if Switzerland considers that the refugee is not entitled to reside on its territory for the following reasons:

1. The person has a fingerprint in another European country, thus making the country the country concerned with the study and processing of the asylum application for that refugee.
 If the refugee comes from a safe country and does not provide convincing reasons to deserve asylum and protection on the territory of Switzerland.

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The person has a safe state other than his mother country. He lived in this country for a period of time. There are no strong reasons for this person to leave this country.
If the person has come with a Schengen Visa not issued by the Embassy of Switzerland but by the Embassy of another European country, the refugee will be deported to the visa State because the Schengen signature is linked to the Dublin stamp.

Post-rejection of asylum in Switzerland
If a person's asylum application is denied, he or she can appeal to the rejectionist village, while the appeal has been refused to leave Switzerland or will be deported to his or her country of origin.
Reasons for accepting asylum in Switzerland
The person has no fingerprint either when he or she has a fingerprint in another European country.
2 The person has a story, reasons and strong evidence, the person can not return to his country.

Post-admission asylum in Switzerland
If a person applied for asylum in Switzerland, and Switzerland recognized the person as the refugee on her territory, he was given some assistance such as a home and salary, whether alone or with his family, but the salary is small compared to some European countries, and the refugee must seek work to make his family, A person who knows that the low salary is one of the disadvantages of asylum in Switzerland, as well as Switzerland's mistreatment of refugees, which always calls on Switzerland to provide assistance to refugees outside its borders rather than refugees come to its territory for asylum.

Tips on resorting to Switzerland
1 Everyone who wishes to apply for asylum in Switzerland should know that Switzerland is a beautiful tourist country but a country that does not like asylum policy.
2 Job opportunities in Switzerland are very few for Arabs.
3 We do not hold anyone or prevent them from applying for asylum in Switzerland, but we advise what is prevalent, and what we see on the ground.
4 If you would like more information about asylum and immigration to Switzerland from official sources, visit the BFM website.
5 Before you take any step towards submitting an asylum application to Switzerland, consult the official sources before taking any action.
6 For Switzerland's citizenship, you have to go through very strict conditions, because some parties in Switzerland consider that most of the crimes in Switzerland are committed by foreigners. These are some of the main points about applying for asylum in Switzerland. You can follow the Swiss portal on our website to learn about Switzerland.applying-asylum

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