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Required to immigration and work in Germany

Universities and professionals are required to migrate and work in Germany

If you want to work in Germany and have the required qualifications, such as a university degree or vocational training, ready to learn German, there is no need for illegal migration and behavior of dangerous roads or death waves in the Mediterranean, just call the Center's Virtual Communications Center Applying the foreign specialized labor force to the German labor market, which is based in the western city of Bonn, and follows the German Ministry of Economy and Energy. The Center clarifies the conditions of work in Germany and the qualifications required for foreign callers in 13 languages ​​before making a decision to leave their countries and reach the country of emigration. The Center is a beacon for job seekers in the German market. The agency then goes to the jobs available in the country. At the same time, the Agency informs employers that there is a skilled candidate who meets the conditions for filling their vacancy. After direct contact between the migrant candidate and the employer, the process of obtaining a visa to Germany begins through its embassies in the immigrant country.

Qualifications required:

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The German language requirement is important and essential for every job vacancies in the country, without which no job can be obtained, no matter how strong qualifications. It is therefore advisable to learn the German language in its initial stages in the immigrant country before coming to Germany, and proficiency in the language increases the chances of obtaining a job significantly. The second condition is the availability of academic and professional qualifications in the candidate for employment in Germany, such as university degrees or equivalent, or the availability of certificates of vocational and vocational qualification, and the certificates must be equivalent to the German counterpart, here the German Center in Bonn to clarify the conditions equivalent to official certificates and documents. However, it should be noted, as the Center's officials explain, that the chances of those who are not professionally qualified or who do not hold official degrees are very low or very small, and that the Center can not follow up on those who do not have academic or professional qualifications. In addition, the chances of some immigrants who have learned a particular profession or craft either instinctively or have learned their father's science or have learned it in the course of their lives are almost negligible. The Center receives only the contacts of qualified persons and specialists who hold official recognized documents, whether they are university degrees or vocational qualification certificates.

Contact Center:
There are various ways to connect to the German Center, which is unique in the world in general and in Europe in particular, and the means of communication linked to the electronic from below. In the above-mentioned site, you can access the center by telephone or by entering the chat room or by e-mail. In the telephone room, dozens of staff answer the questions of skilled migrant workers. In the chat room, a female staff member sits quietly and explains the opportunities for a job in Germany. All the details of working conditions are clarified in Germany. Then, when the contacts are successful, the file of the migrant who wants to work and has the required qualifications is referred to the Federal Employment Agency. A new phase begins in the relationship between the two parties, which generally ends with mediation between the migrant and the employer.

Areas of work required:
As Germany is a leading economic power in Europe and in the forefront of the world's major industrialized countries and its economy depends mainly on exports, the industrial and transformational fields always need a specialized workforce, and given the decline in population growth, the need for a skilled foreign workforce is increasing , But the service sector is growing steadily and also needs new active blood.

On the basis of this, and as the center's officials emphasize, the need for engineers in all fields of industry, transport and construction is very large, alongside specialized workers in these areas. In the service area, the need for professionally qualified doctors and nurses is always increasing and can not be In the foreseeable future, and the care of the elderly reveals a significant shortage of manpower. Communications from Europe make up a large proportion of the total number of callers. Most of the calls come from within the European Union or from within the EU candidate countries soon, such as Serbia, Croatia and other Eastern European countries. . The specialized Arab-asian-african labor force can obtain vacant positions, in the case of every European, of course, if they meet the required conditions.

Ms. Kia Dekert, an executive director of the Foundation, stresses that the opportunities of specialized Arab workers, especially from the North African countries and other african,and asian are also very large and speak of many contacts, but they remain modest compared to European countries. Iraq and Lebanon.

Dekert adds that some callers are working conditions and expects soon some of the candidates to work in Germany to the country.

Anyone who wants to work in Germany can pick up his phone as he sits at home or anywhere else in his country to inquire about his chances of finding a job in Germany. It will certainly be a beginning in English or French, but later you have to speak German, if communication is to succeed. make it in germany

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