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Important To Know About Asylum To Canada

The Government of Canada continues the difficulties and new procedures for the broad acceptance of asylum seekers to Canada.

The Immigration and Refugee Board of the Canadian government on its website reported that the Canadian authorities have listed the states of war and conflict as of June 1, 2017 on the list of acceptable countries to speed up asylum applications for its citizens without judicial hearings.

Questions that show you everything you need to know about Canada's asylum procedures:
Has Canada already facilitated asylum?
Yes, Canada has facilitated and accelerated the process of asylum, after the beginning of June 1 abolished the requirement of judicial hearings "in the sense that the immigration officer can decide your order quickly without passing a judge draining a lot of time and investigation" by listing the list of countries of war and conflict To facilitate their transit.

 How can I apply for asylum in Canada?
You are required to access Canadian territory "either on a tourist visa, study or any other visa or even access to America and then pass land to the Canadian border." You can also apply through the offices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and spread around the world.

If you find a case of persecution you can prove, persecution is either "political, religious or humanitarian to be accepted.

 How can I prove my asylum status?
Your file must include two sections, the first section, which is specific to you and your personal situation that confirms your persecution, and the second section, which is specific to the state of the country in general.

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Could my request be denied ?
Of course, the Canadian decision can speed up and simplify asylum applications. This is a very important step for you, but it does not mean accepting your application from the first moment, but if your application is rejected by the immigration officer you can request your offer to a judge to review your case and re-evaluate it from the beginning. A lot of time and your chances are greater, but if the judge makes a new decision to reject your case you will be asked to leave the country within weeks, whether for your country or any country you want.

How much time is expected to decide on asylum status
After the Canadian government's recent decision, it is expected that the period will not exceed one and a half months to two months.

Will the asylum application affect your family?
The Canadian Government undertakes that your asylum application is a confidential request that you will never know and that any information you have provided to immigration officers in Canada will not be passed to authorities in your home country under any circumstances, meaning that your family will not be harmed.

If your asylum application is approved, you can not return to your country. After you have acquired Canadian citizenship after 3 years of residence you can visit where you are a Canadian citizen and under the protection of the Canadian authorities.

After accepting your asylum application you can bring your family to permanent residence with you in Canada and you will be given Canadian citizenship after you have been in residence for 3 years.

The Canadian government will support you financially from the very first moment and before you decide your case by providing full health insurance for you and your family free of charge and by providing sufficient financial support to support the person or family.

If the asylum application is accepted, the Canadian government will help you more with a home and provide financial assistance to you and your children until they reach the age of 18 with the right to work and permanent residence and to facilitate your loan to start a happy life.

This was a profile profile file for Canada and we wish you the best of luck that you are an asylum seeker to Canada.

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