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Immigration and Residence in Malaysia

Immigration and Residence in Malaysia
There are many reasons and one goal. Between student science and tourist and investor, where find some people in Malaysia and a suitable destination for them and an alternative homeland and a place for a quiet and luxurious life.

Malaysia is a quiet country and is easily accessible to those who come to it. Most people can book a ticket and go to the airport. Once they enter the airport, they will be given a 90-day renewable stay, provided they leave the country and return to it.

Malaysian Immigration Laws:
Enter Malaysia and stay under VISA Tourism, Visit, Business for one to three months
Entry to Malaysia and stay under a two-year study visa, renewable depending on the duration of the study
To enter Malaysia and stay under a work visa, a job offer must be obtained by a Malaysian company
Malaysia's entry and stay under Malaysia's second home visa for 10 years renewable

Entry to Malaysia:
Many multinationals can enter Malaysia:
Entry to Malaysia without prior visa application. Visa to enter the airport or border crossing shall be given with the passport stamp for the duration of residence in Malaysia by nationality from one to three months. The following must be provided for a valid passport for a period not less than 6 months. In Malaysia Fill in the entry and departure card (the procedure is under review by the Immigration Service and the Ministry of Tourism)

Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

The passport, the ticket and the ticket will be displayed at the passport counter and the employee will stamp the passport for the period allowed to stay in Malaysia. This visa is considered a tourist visa or visit visa, and the holder is not allowed to exceed the stipulated period of stay.

Student Visa:
Students are allowed to reside in Malaysia on a student visa after obtaining admission from a Malaysian university or institution. Following is a summary of the steps to stay in Malaysia on a student visa application to an institute or university to study in Malaysia. Obtaining admission and then sending the requirements to the university for approval of the Immigration Department Obtaining a letter of approval from the Department of Immigration can come to Malaysia and register and pay the dues to the Institute or the University.
The University or Institute takes the student's passport to place the visa directly from the immigration office of Malaysia.
Student visa will be 6 months if the student will study a short course of 4 months, eg Visa two years in case the student will study at the University Master, for example ,If the duration of the study exceeds two years according to the duration of the study, a student ID card issued by the Malaysian Immigration Department will be issued to the student to carry the passport in normal cases. It is considered a valid official identity in Malaysia,
Students in general and postgraduate students in Malaysia can take their parents (wife, children, father and mother) with a visa issued for them for the same duration as the student visa itself.
Foreign students in Malaysia can work where the Immigration Department's approval must be obtained. The applicant must submit an application by the university or institute to the Immigration Department with a letter from the university agreeing that the student will work with the semester holidays. The student is allowed to work for a period not exceeding 20 hours per week. The student is allowed to work in the following fields, except for work as an accountant, restaurant, fuel station, Mini-markets, hotels.

Cost of living:
The cost of living in Malaysia is reasonable and in general is much better than Western countries and even neighboring countries of Malaysia

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