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Difference between free and paid migration

Migratory migration methods differ from many aspects, such as the accuracy of work, the speed of termination of immigration procedures, the opportunity for a person to successfully end the proceedings and then emigration, and other things that we will soon learn about.

What is free migration and paid migration?

A paid migration means the assignment of a person who wishes to immigrate to an immigration office or lawyer to work on his / her immigration file procedures, in return for the person paying the person working on the file a sum of money to be agreed upon by both parties.

Free migration depends on the person working on a file alone, as a result of the information he has, thus saving the expenses of immigration procedures, and of course for each migration method advantages and disadvantages that we will learn in these lines.

Workflow resolution on migration file:

When a person gets sick automatically goes to the doctor, and does not go to the engineer, because the doctor is the competent, so is the case with immigration files.

When a person thinks about emigrating to a country and looks for someone who does his job accurately, his thinking will probably be directed to a competent authority. This could be a legal immigration advisory office, a recognized immigration attorney, a website from which the person gets the information, Immigration lawyer.

Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

Internet and Web sites are free options, unlike consulting firms and lawyers, who need money for every step they guide the immigration file holder, and of course the cost of the migration file will not be low.

A person can work on his immigration file, if he has sufficient information, but in terms of accuracy of work, beat the office or immigration lawyer, but they are paid options, but ultimately the person who follows the free migration route has enough information for the same results, but In greater timing.

Quick completion of migration file procedures:

This step from the beginning of the result is settled to immigration lawyers, because this is his work is always done, and knows every detail, whether small or large, in addition to being a constant follower of all the laws and variables of travel in the country that provides migration services.

Successful completion of immigration procedures:

The completion of immigration procedures depends on the person's knowledge of what he is doing, the extent to which he knows the immigration laws of the country he intends to immigrate to. Also, all immigration lawyers return because the chance of success in completing the immigration file is greater for the office. , Especially if migration to Canada, whose immigration procedures are fairly long.

Cost of immigration procedures:

Free migration Although its procedures are cumbersome and need to gather enough information about the country in which the person wishes to immigrate, it is more cost-effective. The person pays the official immigration fees of the country that owns the file, and the way it relies on an office or lawyer is costly Very, but in return convenient, the procedures are made easier away from errors, the important thing is to choose the office or lawyer who will be assigned the file migration mechanism.

The feasibility of free migration compared to paid migration:

If you have sufficient information about the immigration procedures of the country you intend to go to, free immigration is your best choice. It is better to start with your immigration file to an immigration office or immigration lawyer so that you do not waste much time and effort.

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