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Asylum To Canada through UNHCR and obtain permanent residence

Application for asylum to Canada through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees:
The application for asylum by the United Nations, whether for Canada or elsewhere, is not made directly, but an asylum seeker must register with UNHCR in the country where he resides.

Access to Canada through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees:
The procedure for asylum from within Canada is long, burdensome and unsecured, in addition to being expensive, the way to get to Canada from the beginning is difficult, asylum procedures through ecclesiastical bail, or the quintuple bail is not easy either. The advantage is that the refugee spends no money, That he will not leave his country of residence, if not settled in Canada, will not lose any money or effort, and if selected, can travel to Canada in a legitimate and formal way, in this way the person obtains permanent residence in Canada.

Procedures for applying for asylum to Canada through UNHCR:
After the person registers himself in the Commission, the Commission selects certain persons from the persons registered with it. When the Commission is selected by a person, you contact him and tell him that he has been selected for a resettlement interview in Canada. If the person agrees to a resettlement interview in Canada, To make an appointment with the person for an interview with the Canadian embassy officials.

After a date is set for the interview, the person performs some medical examinations. After that, a delegation from the Canadian Embassy will interview the person. If the person is selected, the person will be granted a visa to travel to Canada. , And then the person obtains permanent residence in Canada.

Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

Advantages of resorting to Canada:
1. If an asylum application is accepted in Canada, Canada grants a refugee a home to live with the furniture with furniture.
2. Canada's assistance to refugees is very good enough to support a person or family as opposed to other countries.
3. Refugees may receive assistance in all areas if necessary,
In this case, the person must apply for assistance and the Canadian Government will examine its application.
4. Treatment of refugees in Canada is very good compared to other States.
5. Asylum laws in Canada are as complex as asylum laws in Britain, although the first ruler of Canada and Britain is Queen Elizabeth II.
6 - Life in Canada is very good at everything: transportation in Canada is comfortable and available in all its forms with a great technological renaissance.
- Availability of work in Canada for those looking for.
- Education and study in Canada is recognized for its quality throughout the world.
- The infrastructure in Canada is wonderful and very good.
7 - Canadian society is a mix of all nationalities and this is one of the advantages of resorting to Canada, which prompted many people to think about asylum in Canada and Canada's preference for others.
8. The wage level is very good in the Canadian labor market.
9. Facilitating a loan to start a better life in Canada.

Tip: With regard to loans in Canada, we advise everyone to stay away from them, and everyone should think about working. It is better than loans. Please know that when you arrive in Canada, either by Canada or by immigration, you will find many insurance companies and the like. Companies offer guarantees and loans with attractive features, all due to The Canadian government is working to keep the welfare and spending movement going on in all areas in Canada. Another advice if you get used to the Canadian system of spending is what your only job will be, spending on your own system will save you a lot of money.

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