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Apply for asylum in Finland

The asylum quota in Finland is one of the asylum programs in Finland, but this type of asylum does not require a refugee to reach Finland to apply, but a refugee can apply for asylum through the Finnish asylum program organized by the United Nations in the country where Where the person resides.

In this article, we will learn how to apply for asylum to Finland through UNHCR, and the conditions for it. Can you apply for asylum to Finland directly through the Finnish Embassy? All this and more will be known in the next lines.

Quota refugees:

The quota is a program implemented in cooperation between the countries of the world and UNHCR, a United Nations organization, and the distribution of refugees to the countries of the world within the quota system, through which each country gives a number of persons with asylum status asylum on its territory.

Finland has a refugee quota of 750 refugees, which Finland grants each year to asylum in its territory under the quota system in Finland. Consequently, these refugees move to Finland and Finland provides them with all means of subsistence.

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Conditions for applying for asylum to Finland through UNHCR

An application for asylum in Finland within the quota system must be made through the High Commission. UNHCR then selects a group of applicants and nominates them to Finland.

The interviews are not conducted at the Finnish Embassy. Interviews take place in UNHCR premises or in refugee camps .

1. The refugee shall be prepared to integrate into the Finnish society in the event of his choice.

2. The humanitarian rights of refugees are not available. In general, this item is not much discussed in Finland's quota program because eventually Finland will take its share of refugees, but it will take those who are actually entitled according to the priorities set by them.

3. Ensure that the refugee does not pose any threat to the Finnish society if he is chosen as part of the quota refugee.

4. Humanitarian cases have special facilities.

5. The refugee is resident outside his country.
Can you apply for asylum in Finland at the embassy?

An application for asylum can not be submitted to Finland directly through the Embassy either within the quota system in Finland or outside the quota system. Those who wish to apply to Finland outside the quota system must arrive in Finland to apply for asylum.

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