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How do you get asylum in Canada

How do you get asylum in Canada?
If you are thinking of going to Canada there are 3 ways to get the so-called protection of foreign refugees in Canada:

Method 1:

Apply for asylum to Canada upon arrival at an airport or Canadian port, where you can state your desire to benefit from the protection of foreign refugees in Canada.

Method 2:

Apply for asylum at the Canadian Citizenship and Immigration Office either in person if you are in Canada, or your spouse may apply for asylum.

Method 3:

Through the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, where you send an application to the Embassy of Canada in your country or country where you reside to complete your travel and give you visa from abroad ((This method is known to succeed only in rare cases)

After you apply:

Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

After filling in all the required data in the application, you will be given an interview or a hearing and you will be contacted to determine the time and place of the interview if you are in Canada.

If you are accepted as a refugee:

If your asylum application is accepted, you can obtain permanent residence in Canada under the protection of foreign refugees in Canada, after which you can obtain Canadian citizenship after at least 3 years in Canada with a good biography and conduct.

What the Government of Canada offers to refugees:

Assistance in finding decent housing
Get basic home furniture
Financial guidance
Treatment and treatment
Get continuous support when needed
Provides access to loans for refugees receiving government assistance
If the asylum application is denied to Canada:

If your request is denied for any reason, this decision may be appealed for 15 days after you receive the rejection notice. The appeal is filed with the Federal Court to review the decision of the Immigration and Refugee Board.
Official website of the Government of Canada, Corner of asylum applications in English and French.

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