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Categories of Canadian Permanent Residence

Globally speaking it is Canada and Australia that receive the highest number of immigrants per year. Getting a Permanent Resident (PR) status in any country is a time consuming, challenging task and in Canada things are no different. On an average over 200,000 individuals get their PR status, the criterion for which frequently gets altered. It is only after reading every nuance of the paperwork that individuals should go on to filling it. Any mistake or lies will immediately be caught out by the system as a result of which getting the residency will prove to be an impossible task. Individuals must apply for their PR status under any of the following six categories.

Skilled Worker Immigration
Skilled Worker Immigration is indeed the most common category under which individuals apply for their PR status. Scores are calculated based on an array of considerations such as a person’s education, age, heath, experience etc. Apart from this another evaluation is made based on the person’s criminal record and background check as well. Each of these factors contributes significantly to the final tally of scores. If individuals get low scores in any category chances are that his or her overall score will be affected as well. In this category, the most important consideration pertains to the candidates’ skill, age and background.

Business class immigration
There are many people who wish to become Permanent Residents and they choose to apply under this category. The Business Class Immigration Category further falls into three subcategories which are very specific in nature. Which include :– Investors – Entrepreneurs – Self Employed Persons 

These individuals get their scores based on a number of criterion pertaining to experience, net worth, intention and ability. If the board sees that the individuals business is unlikely to flourish in Canada then chances are that his scores too will be rather poor.

Provincial Nomination
Provincial nomination is rather specific and requires provinces themselves to nominate individuals from among those who have applied for nominations. It is only after these steps have been completed that the individual can apply for a PR status.

Family Class Immigration
One of the most popular categories under which people apply for PR status, is the family class immigration category, individuals who aspire to attain Canadian Permanent Residency are sponsored by their family members who already have Permanent Residency. Of the total applicants more than 30% candidates usually apply under this very category.

Quebec Selected Immigration
Province of Quebec has a special settlement with the Federal Government where they can select individuals like workers, businessmen, students, families or sponsored refugees who they view as being perfect candidates for citizenship. After selecting those who they feel would be the choicest immigration residents, those people are then permitted to apply for a permanent resident status under this category. Those who apply for their Permanent Residency under this category are likely to get their PR status faster than the other candidates.

International Adoption

Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

The criterion for applying for a permanent residency under this category is truly very specific. It is primarily meant for those Canadian families or individuals who are wishing to adopt children from other countries, particularly the under developed or third world nations. The rules and legalities pertaining to this process are very strict and inflexible this is mainly to protect and safeguard the interest of the young one. Under all circumstances the board must ensure that the individuals undertaking the adoption have only noble intentions and are in a position to give the child a safe and comfortable home. Once a PR status has been received, the next step would be applying for a permanent resident Visa. Applying for this Visa does involve competing a number of steps and following a particular protocol. Any falsehoods or inconsistencies on the form would immediately result in a disqualification. The system is very high end and built specifically to detect such things. Prior to doing anything else, the individual must submit a number of documents to the consulate. In addition to bringing photocopies of the documents, it is necessary to carry the documents in their original form as well. The main documents which the candidate is expected to carry with him or her when going to the consulate or the embassy include: Educational certificates- School, College University
Medical Certificates
Criminal Record check
Sponsor letters if necessary
Proof of refugee status
Language test marks
Income certificates
Bank books
Some form of identity
Apart from this individuals are expected to carry with them the proper stationary that will enable them to fill up the form properly. While at the embassy, after getting the documents checked, the person concerned will need to procure a form, fill it out, pay the required fees and then wait to be called in for a number of interviews. Applying for a permanent resident Visa does come at a price but based on the category under which the individuals had applied for the PR status the amount varies. The categories under which people generally fall into is the Family category, the business class applicants and finally the miscellaneous category.

The Family Class Applicants
Under this category, there is a payment to be made not merely by the principal applicant but there is also a sponsorship application charge. Based on age and a number of other factors the individuals are expected to pay their money when applying for their Permanent resident visa. The amount is determined and calculated by the system itself. Business Class Applicants ( Including the Investors, Entrepreneurs or Self Employed Persons) The business class applicants fall into three categories themselves and for each of these categories the amount to be paid is separate as well. The principal applicant in such a case is made to pay a sum that is much higher to that of the principal applicant in the family class applicant category. There are a number of applicants who fall in a grey area which belongs neither to the family class applicants or the business class ones; these individuals have to pay a fees which is rather costly as well. Payment rules are very directly in nature and there is no chance of individuals paying in a currency other than Canadian dollars. If the individuals fail to carry the right amount of money with them, the process will immediately come to a halt. Apart from this, Citizen and Immigration Canada has some discretionary powers, by which they can bring about any change they like in the Permanent residency Fee structure without giving any kind of prior notice. However this does not imply that officials use their power in an arbitrary fashion. Everything is carried out in a transparent manner and there is no scope for bribing or paying anyone off. The entire process of applying for a permanent resident status and applying for a permanent resident visa does seem very tiresome and exhaustive as well. It is so, particularly those who have not got all their documents in order. However those who have done all their work in an organised and systematic manner find that the system is just methodical. There is no point getting flustered with all the procedure as that is likely to cause many more complications in the long run.

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