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Apply for asylum in Sweden online

Sweden is the most sought-after European country for asylum seekers, due to the speed of its procedures for granting residence, the ease of its laws regarding family reunification, and the highest refugee salary in Europe.

Method of applying for asylum to Sweden via the Internet:

First you have to visit the Swedish Immigration Department website and at the top you have to choose English or keep Swedish if you are proficient, and prefer not to choose Arabic because it does not contain the search engine for your asylum status.

In the middle of the page you'll find the Check your application check box

Below is a rectangle in which you must place your file number. Consider the following example to know how to correctly place a number of 7 to 8 digits.

The number on the LMA card

And it is as follows: 12-221680 / 2 The file number without commas is as follows: 12221680 which is what should be placed in the rectangular box and pressing the Search button

And then you will get one of three results, and explain in detail is as follows:

Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

1-Search results for: XXXXXX Decision The Migration Board has made a decision in your case. If you are in Sweden, the Migration Board will send the decision to your home address. If you are outside of Sweden, you need to contact the embassy or general general you stated in your application.

If you are in Sweden, the immigration department will send you the decision on the address of your residence. If you are outside Sweden, contact the embassy or consulate mentioned in your application.
The owners of this text have received a positive decision to ask for their refuge, which is what the green symbol means approval.

2. Search results for: XXXXXXX Registration of application or appeal The Migration Board has not registered your application or appeal in the last 90 days. Decision The Migration Board has made no decision about your case in the last 28 days.

Here the color of the box is yellow, ie, the Immigration Department did not register the asylum application or object to it in the last 90 days. The Immigration Department has not taken any decision in your case since 28 days ago, and the owners of this text have not yet opened their cases and are awaiting their role. To study after the basic interview or wait for the investigation to be completed.

3-Search results for: XXXXXX Registration of application or appeal Your application or appeal has been registered with the Migration Board. Decision The Migration Board has made no decision about your case in the last 28 days.

Here the color of the box is blue and means that: The asylum application or appeal has been registered with the Immigration Department. The Immigration Department has not taken any decision in your case since 28 days ago. This box is for files entered into the Immigration Department's electronic system. The investigation and the application under consideration for the issuance of the decision have been completed.

The owners of this color are close to the stage of the decision on the application for asylum to Sweden. Swedish Immigration Department

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