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23 countries that give you citizenship

For example, according to a report by the newspaper Khobar Turk, the value of the nationality ranges from $ 100,000 to $ 10 million, With an annual spending rate of nearly $ 2 billion, according to Dr. Christian Kallen, an expert on immigration and nationalities.

In this report, you'll find the most important multinationals that can be purchased for your investment for a certain amount of funds:

1. Turkey:
In the midst of the foreign currency crisis known by Turkey, the government decided to grant foreign investors the right to apply for citizenship, provided that the invested amount is not less than $ 2 million, or the purchase of real estate worth $ 1 million, provided they are not sold for 3 years.

2. Dominican Republic:
In the Caribbean country, $ 100,000 is enough to invest for citizenship, and the right to citizenship is granted to the wife and children as well, and is considered one of the cheapest available.

3. United States of America:
Invest $ 1 million and employ 10 workers enough to become an American under the conditions that restrict the application for citizenship in the country of Uncle Sam.

4. New Zealand:
To be eligible for New Zealand citizenship, you should invest about $ 7 million.

5. Ukraine:
The establishment of a company in your name within Ukrainian territory, including $ 100 thousand gives you the right to unlimited residence.

6. Slovakia:
€ 1 million of investments is the amount determined by the Slovak Government for citizenship.

7. Portugal:
You own a property of 500 thousand Euros giving you a residence permit, and a property worth one million Euros and the owner has the right to apply for citizenship directly.

8. Lithuania:
Buying a property worth 71,500 euros in rural areas, or 143,000 euros in major cities is sufficient to obtain a Lithuanian passport.

9. Montenegro:
500 thousand euros or more of the investment gives the right to the business in the fetus of nationality.

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10. Spain:
€ 160,000 of investments in the housing and real estate sectors give you the right to a residence permit in Spain, along with freedom of work and mobility within the EU.

11. Ireland:
With your investment of $ 500,000, the Government of Ireland will determine a possible date for granting you citizenship.

12. England:
Wins the English nationality from investing £ 1 million for five years within English territory.

13. Southern Cyprus:
3 million euros of investment gives you a passport to EU countries from Southern Cyprus.

14. Bulgaria:
Any foreigner has the right to obtain a Bulgarian passport on the condition of residence for at least one year, with an investment of approximately $ 1.2 million.

15. Australia:
In this country an amount of $ 4.7 million is sufficient to obtain an investor visa.

16. Albania:
200 thousand euros of investment gives businessmen the right to acquire the nationality of Albania

17. Germany:
In order to obtain German citizenship you must invest at least € 250,000 and use this investment to employ German citizens.

18. Uruguay:
There is no requirement to invest for the nationality of this Latin country, and it is enough to prove that you have a income of about $ 1200 per month to obtain a first residence permit, and then to citizenship after 3 years.

19. Macedonia:
You have a property in Macedonia worth 40,000 euros to get a one-year stay, but you need to invest 400,000 euros and employ at least 10 workers.

20. Hong Kong:
You may become a citizen and have a Hong Kong passport with a total investment of one million and 260,000 dollars.

21. Guatemala:
The government of this small country requires only about $ 50,000 of investment in government bonds for five years.

22. Austria:
The laws of this border country with Germany stipulate that any application for citizenship must be accompanied by an investment capital of 6 to 10 million euros.

23. Canada:
The Canadian Citizenship Act provides that the applicant must invest $ 400,000 and his total assets must not be less than $ 800,000.

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