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Two new services provided by Fiver site to make money

There are many ways to make money from the Internet, there are those who are tired to search on the capital, such as the establishment of a site or channel on YouTube , and may take several months to reach the planned goal , and there are some people found easy ways but require a skill , Whether it's design , editing , or translation , the nice thing about it is that the famous site Pfeiffer enables you to use your skill for the money you earn according to your personal   effort , so today we will explain two ways you may not think of for profit. 

1 - Write a letter Your Message On ... 

This service requires you to write a letter or phrase or text at the request of the buyer , so you write in a paper and picture with a beautiful view or with one of your city's exploits , or dance and you hold the message , yes , The link of the service will find people from the forests of Africa holding the message and dancing and shouting in your name , and strange that some exceeded a thousand request , means that the profit exceeded five thousand dollars , So do not miss this opportunity and take advantage of one of the scenes and scenes in your city to profit from them. 

2 - Landfills  and challenges: Pranks & Stunts2
The second service method of work is abnormal , And I did not know why the site placed it , It is important that the buyer asks you to make a challenge whatever it is , Or ask you to do a loan for your brother or your friend , or call someone in case you accept the challenge you talk to him about the amount of the amount , because some of them do not deserve five dollars.
One of the disadvantages of this service is that it does not have a lot of interest, such as the first service, and I advise you first because it is easy and does not require much effort. 
First Service Link: Your Message On ... 
Service Link 2: Pranks & Stunts

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