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Getting nationality of France and 1000 Euros per month

Get the nationality of France and 1000 euros per month
If you are between 17 and 39 years of age and want to obtain French citizenship and also receive a monthly salary of more than 1000 euros per month, follow the following lines for this article.

The way is to organize to the French army or the so-called Légion Etrangère even if you do not have the residence papers in France and you are an illegal resident and do not have any school certificate you will receive citizenship and 1000 euros a month if you have the necessary conditions.

The conditions are as follows:
- You must be over 17 years of age or less than 39 years old.
- Never need a school certificate
- At least read and write in the mother tongue. It does not matter if you do not know how to read and write in French, you will be taught the language there
- Obtain any useful administrative documents: Residence permit Copy of family book Certificate of marriage Certificate of graduation Certificate of birth etc ..
- Pass physical tests. Be able to do 4 presses and run 2.8 km in 12 minutes and pass the Lock Ligger test, a series of speed races along 20 meters.
Passing psychological tests and personal tests. These tests consist of a series of interviews, such as revealing your past and the path of your personal life.
- Your criminal record should be clean. You will not be able to enter Légion Etrangère; if you are wanted by Interpol or accused of serious crimes. But in some cases it is possible to accept people who have been in trouble with the law in small cases.
- Commitment to service for 5 years. In the first 2 years you can not call or see your family, but after two years you can contact them and even travel to them at any time you take a vacation with you a French passport and then return to complete the service in the army until the passage of 5 years and then you can resign from military service Or complete the service and get a larger salary and a higher rank in the army.
- Your marital status, nationality, religion, education and professional preferences will not be taken into consideration once you have been hired. This is why religious, ethnic and racist matters are forbidden.
- Applicants who do not belong to the Schengen region, such as Arabs, should only have a valid passport. Candidates from the European Union who are nationals of a Schengen country must have a valid national identity card or passport.

Légion Etrangère addresses and telephone numbers in all cities of France:
Aubagne Preselection Center
District Vienot Departmental road 2
B.P. 11,354
13 784 AUBAGNE Cedex -Tel: (33) 04 42 18 12 57
Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Foreign Legion Information Office Marseille
28, rue des Catalans
13007 MARSEILLE -Tel: 04 13 59 47 90/06 72 14 77 78
Opening hours: Monday-Thursday: 09h00 -12h00 / 13h00 17h00
Friday: 09h00 - 12h00 / 13h00 15h00
Perpignan Information Office
Joffre Barracks
Street Jean Vieilledent
BP 917
66 020 PERPIGNAN - Tel: (33) 04 68 08 22 81
Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Paris Nogent Paris Precision Center Paris Vincennes
Information only:
Vincennes Foreign Legion Post
Fort Neuf of Vincennes
Boulevard of the Maréchaux
Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Commitment Prequalification Center and Foreign Legion Information Office Fort de Nogent
94120 FONTENAY SOUS BOIS - Tel: (33) 06 48 10 73 97 - Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Lille Information Office
Foreign Legion Information Office Lille
Négrier Barracks
Rue Princesse 59 000 LILLE armées Tel: (33) 03 28 36 08 72 - Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
MAIL: legionetrangere.lille@gmail.com
Nantes Information Office
Foreign Legion Information Office Nantes
Area Richemont
16 rue des Rochettes 44013 NANTES cedex Tel: (33) 02 28 24 20 70
Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Strasbourg Foreign Legion Information Office
Neighborhood Lecourbe 1, rue d'Ostende 67 000 STRASBOURG - Tel: (33) 03 88 61 53 33
Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Mail: pile.strasbourg@gmail.com
Information Office of the Foreign Legion of Bordeaux
260, rue Pelleport 33800 BORDEAUX - Tel: (33) 05 56 92 99 64
Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
mail: legionetrangerebordeaux@orange.fr
Foreign Legion Information Office Lyon
26 avenue Leclerc Frère Headquarters
69998 LYON armed - Tel: (33) 04 37 27 26 50 - Fax: (33) 04 37 27 35 48
Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

mail: pile.lyon@terre-net.defense.gouv.fr
Nice Foreign Legion Information Office
Caserne Filley Address 2 rue Sincaire 06300 NICE
Tel: (33) 04 93 62 78 82 or 06 02 46 18 54 (after 18h or weekend)
Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

mail: pile.nice@yahoo.fr
Poste d'information de la Légion étrangère Toulouse 2 rue Pérignon, BP 65028
31 000 TOULOUSE cedex - Tel : (33) 05 61 54 21 95 - Fax : 05 61 54 21 95
Ouverture : 24h/24h, 7J/7

mail : legion-recrute-toulouse@orange.fr

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