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European Countries Give you Permanent residence and nationality free !

In this article, you will learn about European countries where students can obtain permanent residence and citizenship. The student can enjoy permanent residence there without paying any money or deposits, but on terms that we will know in the coming lines.

These countries are as follows:

Sweden requires that a person be kept for five consecutive years, that he or she must be under 18 years of age at the time of the submission of the application for citizenship, that the criminal record should be free of offenses and that the period required shall be reduced to two years only if the applicant is a Scandinavian citizen.

Residence is required for 5 consecutive years before applying for permanent residence, which gives the person the right to reside for a renewable 10 years, while enjoying most of the rights of French citizens such as education and health care, but excludes some other rights such as the right to vote and allows dual citizenship.

Residence is required for 5 consecutive years before applying for Romanian citizenship. The applicant must be under 18 years of age. The criminal record must also be cleaned, proof of legal income, Romanian language and knowledge of Romanian culture and constitution.

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5 years of continuous residence or 7 years of intermittent stay since the age of 15, as well as fluency in Finnish or Swedish. Permanent and sexual residence can be obtained and dual citizenship is permitted.

Britain or United Kingdom "I came out of the European Union"
The applicant must not be less than 18 years of age with a clean criminal record. He must also reside for five years. The total period of leaving the country during this period should not exceed 450 days and allow dual citizenship.

Czech Republic:
The condition of the latter is not difficult. Staying in a foreign country for that period makes the person naturally fluent in language.

Requires residence for at least 6 years, a minimum age of 18 years, knowledge of the basics of Portuguese, and a clear criminal record.

The residence of the person is required for at least 8 years, as well as the absence of a criminal history of the person and his knowledge of the general language and culture of Hungary.

A person must have 5 consecutive years of residence before applying for citizenship or permanent residence, and his / her criminal record of crimes and his / her knowledge of the local language.

Requires residency in the State for a period of 5 years before applying for citizenship, free of criminal record of crimes, establishing a stable position and familiarity with the principles of language.

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