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Asylum to Norway And to obtain permanent residence

Asylum to Norway and the way to apply for asylum to Norway, get permanent residence, and also the important information that must be known to anyone considering asylum to Norway is the focus of our conversation in this article.

How to apply for asylum in Norway:

A person can apply for asylum to Norway upon arrival at any airport in Norway by having the person surrender himself to the first officer he sees at the airport and tells the officer that he or she wishes to apply for asylum in Norway. apply to want I, then the officer will take him to one of the rooms at the airport to start questioning him later on how he arrived in Norway and the reasons why he applied for asylum in Norway.

After arriving in Norway, a person can not apply for asylum at the airport. After settling down, apply for asylum at a Norwegian police station. If you are a person applying for asylum through a police station, you need to know the names and locations of the police stations. In Norway, or apply for asylum in the Immigration Service Norwegian.

Access to permanent residence in Norway:

The Permanent Residence Permit gives you the right to permanent residence and work in Norway. This permit has no limited validity and does not require renewal. You can find out how to obtain permanent residence and the documents required through this article.

Important information to be known to anyone contemplating resorting to Norway:

1. If you want to go to Norway, you should know that Norway is a signatory to the Dublin Fingerprint Agreement, a signatory to the Schengen Convention, and the Dublin Convention and the Schengen Convention are linked to each other on the fingerprint.

2. If you are going to Norway with forged papers, you will know that if the forgery is detected in Norway, your refusal rate will be 99% if not 100% if you are not imprisoned in Norway.

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3 - If you have not passed any European country of the countries of Dublin did not keep up, and passed one of the Scandinavian countries and you were stigmatized and went to another Scandinavian state will also return this country to the fingerprinting state in accordance with an agreement between them, and the Scandinavian countries are Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

4 - Look for the not-so-famous universities which are not so famous, so you do not have difficulties in admitting, and not necessarily to study at the University of Oslo.
5 - If you study physics and chose the specialization you want to study in the same specialization, this is better.

6 - Pay attention to the questions that the investigator asks you from the first interview until the last interview. Even if the investigator disagreed, your answer must be one word, whether you are alone or you and your family so that your story is arranged and convincing, and be aware of the twisted questions. How did you come to Norway, and then you are asked the same question in a second interview the same question in a different way, for example, the route or the country through which Norway entered, this question may be understandable but they ask questions in multiple formats.

7 - You need to know some of the information that is specific to your country of origin, because they come from people from the countries where people came out to know their language and ask them about some areas, because some citizens of other Arab countries exploited this opportunity by buying a Syrian passport Go to Norway and apply for asylum as Syrians.

8. Procedures for asylum to Norway now are no longer as easy as two or three years ago, so be sure to avoid all obstacles to your asylum file, such as discrimination in any other European country.

9 - Everyone should read this subject carefully so as not to miss something even if he re-read the subject again, and also each person to choose the way to suit the ways to travel to Norway, which we put earlier by choosing the person the way it fits in terms of material, Safety and security.

10 - Everyone who has read this article should look at the date of publication of the article because the information may change from time to time and anyone can read this article one year after its publication. There may have been some changes, especially in visa fees, whether tourist visa or Visa, or there may be some changes to visa requirements
Itself, and everyone who has read this article before making any move to review every new published here in the worldswin site and to review the Embassy of Norway.

11. There are other ways to travel to Norway, such as reunion, work visa, etc., but this is for people who wish to travel to Norway for special or any purpose in general. This is the way for people who do not have access to Norway to her.
how to obtain permanent residence

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