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10 Weird Jobs that Pays More than Your Regular 9 to 5 Jobs.

Are you someone who is bored with his 9 to 5 job? Are you someone who wants some job satisfaction or just want to switch careers. Here are some jobs that might sound weird but pays better. They even pays better than some 9 to 5 jobs. Here we have listed 10 Weird Jobs that Pays More than Your Regular 9 to 5 Jobs.

0 Pet Food Tester.

Yes, it’s a thing, and yes it’s totally gross.
But as the owner of pet food company Huds and Toke, Mark Gooley, says, “If you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, don’t you dare expect your dog to eat it.”
Mr Gooley eats dog food for a living. He eats everything from doggie treats and chewy bones to liver mixture.

This job can pay you around $40,000 per year.

1 S3x toys tester.

This job pay around $30,000 to $50,000 per year. It might be the most satisfying job for some, rather for most of people out there. All you have to do is to check the toys, use it and give your review to the company before it is released for general sale.

2 Water Slide Tester.

This is the best according to me and I would definitely go for it, if given a choice. This job pays around $40,000 per month. All you have to do is to check the suitability and comfortability of the water slide.

3 Obscure Stunt Tester.

This job is bit weird and most will not do it. All you have is to taste the ugly food spiders, cockroaches and other weird insects. This job pays around $800 a day which comes around $300,000 per year.

4 Sewer Inspectors.

This guys are paid $40,000 to $75,000 per year to check the sewers. And I guess most of people will hate it.

5 Nude Models.

This job pays $100 to $200 per hour to pose nude for paintings and photography. This job is for the people who can maintain their bodies as per the market requirements.

6 Bed Tester.

This job is for someone lazy like me. All you have to do is to sleep on the best mattresses, earning $25,000 to $40,000 per year, Not bad folks!!!!! Now you can make money while you sleep. All you have to do is to check its comfortability.

7 TV Watcher.

Watching TV to rate a show, give its review or write subtitles is a job that is catching up in recent times. This profession can pay you $25,000 starting salary.

8 Lipstick Reader.

This job deals with telling about the personality and future prospects of woman by reading her lipstick prints. This job pays around $25 to $50 per hour.

9 Human Statue.

This is an age old profession where you have dress up as a cartoon or other character and appear in events or theme parks. this job pays $25 to $200 per hour.

10 Sperm or Egg Donor.
If you’re young and in good health you can make this your secondary income source. Men only earn about $200 per donation but woman can charge more than $8,000 per egg donation.

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