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How To Stay Safe While Enjoying Bitcoin Casinos

Rules to Stay Safe at Bitcoin Casinos

Online casino gaming can be a great rush, especially now that bitcoin funding is available for players who may have been restricted from playing otherwise due to government regulations against gambling. But even bitcoin casinos can become a house of horrors if players are not careful, and fail to take the steps necessary to protect themselves and their funds. These rules will ensure your safety, and the safety of your crypto-currency, at bitcoin casinos.

As is the case with any industry, players are best served to choose to play with an established brand. With the majority of bitcoin casinos carrying the same games created by outside developers, there is a negligible difference in the quality of games available out there. By going with an established bitcoin casino brand, you are giving yourself the same gaming experience, with the peace of mind that your money is with a regulated entity.

To further illustrate the importance of playing with an established bitcoin casino brand, think of it this way. You would rather buy a car from a dealership than from a stranger on the Internet because a dealership has to inspect its vehicles and make sure everything works properly before you spend your hard-earned money on it. A bitcoin casino should be no different. Be sure to check as to whether or not they are licensed as well. This information can be found in most cases at the bottom of the page, with a link to their licensing information included.

Research is important when picking the best bitcoin casinos. Make sure to do a thorough Google search on a casino you are thinking about depositing bitcoin into before making any deposits. Searching the name of the casino, plus the word “scam” is a great way to determine the reputability of the casino. If there are a lot of results for that search, with horror stories throughout them, you’ll know it’s not a good idea to play there. Also, if you see that affiliates are having issues getting paid through that casino, it’s a sign of financial trouble and a sign that you should run.

As with any game, you want to know that what you are playing is on the level, and making sure that the games you are playing are provably fair is essential. Fortunately, Bitcoin casinos have tools available to allow you to check yourself that their games are provably fair. With so many lesser casinos resorting to underhanded tactics out there, this is just another way to provide the peace of mind that everyone deserves when choosing a bitcoin casino.

For even more peace of mind, check and make sure that your bitcoin casino of choice is recommended by bitcoin casino forums and websites dedicated to the industry. Just like you wouldn’t choose a restaurant that was rated poorly by a reviewer, you wouldn’t choose a casino that was rated poorly either.

When making your first deposits with a bitcoin casino, start out small. This will allow you to get comfortable within that casino, and let you make some small withdrawals until you can determine whether or not you are satisfied with that casino and if it is worth continuing to play there. A good sign is the acceptance of credit card deposits at these casinos, as accepting credit cards requires a casino to undergo a vetting process that ensures reputability.

Also, reach out to a casino’s customer support team with an inquiry during these early stages even if you aren’t having a problem. A reputable outfit will respond quickly, and the response time should tell you a lot about their reputability.

Activating two-factor authentication is essential to safety at bitcoin casinos, as entering a username, password, and additional security code that is sent to you at a private address is a great way to prevent your funds from being stolen or otherwise manipulated.

In every aspect of life, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. The same can be said for Bitcoin casinos, especially when it comes to bonuses and promotions. If a casino is offering something that seems way above and beyond what the rest of the industry offers, there is a chance that it could be a less than a reputable outfit.

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