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How to profit speedly Bitcoin

Many novice in the field of profit from the Internet do not know what is Alpetkoan, bitcoin in addition to that there are a lot of people, even those who work in the field of profit from the Internet since the period not infrequently do not know what is Alpetkoan out and where he came from, so before addressing the ways of profit from the internet via Alpetkoan, bitcoin will take History quick Alpetkoan.
What bitcoin:
The history of this currency dates back to the year of 2009 and exactly the third day of the month of January where he appeared for the existence of no human commitment by this type n currency, which as everyone knows encrypted coin designed by an anonymous person known as "Satoshi Nakamoto,  and similar to somewhat currencies known of the dollar and the euro and other currencies, but they differ in that they are fictitious, and any dealings on the internet and have no physical existence, and encrypted, which can not track sales and purchases made or even know the owner of the currency.
"If you did not have a wallet Bitcoin you can create  here receive the money by" 
And follow these circumstances loops how profit and collect bitcon 
As every time we will explain other ways, God willing, in the coming articles.

The first site- CoinBulb

You may wonder why put this site on the first list, the reason my brother this is that this site is the best so far, I do not say that it is better, but emphasize that it is better.
What made the site of preference among all these sites is the high value for each ad where the site gives up to 180 Satoshi to announce the one so is characterized by rapidly obtained thousands satoshi in a short time, very beautiful in the subject that the pressure on all of the ads will not take you more 7 minutes a day and it applies to all the sites that I will mention next.

The second site- RefBit 

This site is a very good addition to the former site because it also gives a very good number of satoshi and also to a lesser extent withdrawn from the site can be reached in a short time as you work ads that you have a site.

Third site- BTC clicks 

Location of months between all these sites is considered to seniority location where it works since 2013 until this moment, and has a huge base of active subscribers per day.
The nice location because it has a very good number of ads per day more than the rest of the sites and it increases the number of satoshi that can be obtained daily.

To mention the important points:

1. The daily pressure on advertising increases the value of one ad  , in the sense that you click on ads daily without interruption if you want to increase the value of your ads more, and believe me it will not take you a lot of time.
2. featured in all of these sites that when you work all of them, it will not take you only 20 minutes a day to increase your profits as soon as possible, and this is a wonderful thing.
3. There are some of these sites in the so - called lease Alriveral, which you can double your profits and can work in the form friends group .

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